Distribution Opportunities in a Digital Age


I remember studying product distribution in my business classes at Colorado State. We learned about the role of manufacturing, distribution centers, and retail outlets, in moving goods from the factory to the consumer. The publishing industry was built on this model – with the added twist of selling distribution rights to specific countries or territories.

What does this mean for SAS customers around the globe who need access to books and documentation from SAS Publishing? It means that yesterday’s distribution model doesn’t apply. Today, SAS Publishing has minimized the use of warehouses, instead we partner with global print on demand vendors to make sure your book is printed locally. It’s more efficient, better for the environment, and you get your book faster. For electronic books, we partner with companies like Books 24x7, Safari, and NetLibrary to bring you content. We also make sure our books are available to you on your favorite reading device. Of course, we also take full advantage of the web to give you access to SAS Documentation (for free).

For customers outside the US, we provide access to local resellers who carry our books. See this list of global resellers for a retail store near you. Please help us expand this list. If you have a local or online reseller not listed here, please contact us so we can arrange to have our titles listed with them.

The distribution models my kids are learning about in college are different than the ones I studied. What remains constant, however, is the goal of delivering product to the end user. And it’s exciting to partner with you to make sure you have access to our products. Let us know how we can continue to make sure you have the content you need, when, and where, you need it.


About Author

Sean Gargan

Director, SAS Publishing

Sean joined SAS in 1986 and has been in the publishing field for over 20 years. SAS Publishing links authors to the SAS community through publishing. Look for our books at support.sas.com/bookstore (or your favorite bookseller)!


  1. Jamie - thanks for the additional thoughts regarding print on demand. I hadn't thought of applying it to our books, but it's worth considering.

  2. Jamie Allen on

    Sean, nice article. Another exciting feature of Print on Demand technology is that many services offer "Variable Data Input" which allows each individual book to be customized as it's printed.
    That way, a list of 100 different clients could be provided to the printer and, like mail-merge, 100 customized books could be created, each with the name of the recipient printed on the cover.
    Even the inside pages can be modified with custom info.
    Exciting Stuff which opens countless doors for entrepreneurs!

  3. Sean, you are so so right. I hate to admit this, but I recall a seminar four decades ago where the sales rep actually explained to us what a "cell" in a database was. He spoke then of digitizing books, but we all thought it was science fiction, certainly not anything for our lifetimes. And here we are. I can't begin to imagine what the next generation will be, but it is certain to be exciting.

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